It always strikes me as such happy coincidence when another blogger I follow and admire has the sorta same idea for a post as I did on a given day. Yesterday was the monthly meeting of my book club group and as almost always is the case I came home thinking how MUCH I value 'the company of women' and a trifle sad we don't take or have the opportunity to spend such time together more frequently. And then as I'm reading about I see Sarah has spoke of the same thing in today's Quilting Bee over on her blog.
This is my beloved book club group yesterday afternoon at a local eatery here in the Sierra Foothills after we'd finished discussing our latest selection. We all take turns choosing the book of the month and each month the gal who chose hosts the rest of us for discussion time. We are such a diverse group of women: two are nurses, one a stay at home mom of 3, three are married - one without children, a couple have never been married and have no kids, three of us have grown children and are relative empty nesters, two are grandmas, one of the marrieds has a hubby with incurable life threatening Kennedy's Disease and another's hubby is living and working as a civilian contractor in Iraq and the third is married to a part time rock and roll singer/guitarist who also is a hiker. And two of the gals are kind of new to our group and I know next to nothing about them except they're mother and daughter and rescue horses. 6 horses are owned amongst 3 other gals in the group as well. I'm the oldest (I think) of our group and almost twice the age of the youngest.
Not a lot in common really when you think about it - except during a given month we all read the same piece of literature. And that is about as varied over a year's time as we all are from children's lit, teen lit, memoirs, historical novels, suspense, bestsellers, almost classics, general fiction, etc. I've always felt reading something with others is a deep intimacy - the same word drawn images being shared by two or three, or six, souls.
Amongst the blogs I visit and read are many of the same readers evidently from the visible comments and that too is an extended intimacy. And that's why I have become involved in blogland - for the connection and extension of intimacy. I learn something new all the time and it's so reassuring and validating to know I'm not alone. Others have given voice to the same aspirations, hopes, dreams, wishes, ideas and feelings that dwell within my self and I soooooo appreciate the kinship.
3 hours ago
1 comment:
Oh oh oh hon..I'm in wonderful we were on the same page!! I love that!
Look at those beautiful faces!!
I would love to have a group like this - how deeply wonderful for you!!! I think the differences make it rich!
I love the blogging world. People often say to me.."You blog? I just don't get that." Until I get them blogging..then they get it. It is an amazing community. I am so happy to have met you here hon!! Hugs, Sarah
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